Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Hitch"ed" - or not....

So, I just bought the movie "Hitch" tonight - and rather than do my ever-mounting pile of work - I took a procrastination break and watched it - again. I saw it in the theater - it's even better than I remembered ;)

So here's my random question of the evening - where are those men? Seriously - I've pretty much given up on guys, for any number of different reasons - but mainly because when I think I've found the right one (which has only happened twice), I get screwed: they lie, they cheat, and my heart takes the beating of a lifetime. So, is it just me?? I'm starting to think (dragon - you are of course the exception!) that men are just a pain in the a** and not worth it. Yes, this is cynical me coming out to play tonight. Which is probably why I'm still single and why I have a dog, a cat, a house, grad school, a job and friends that I never have time to see. Is it just me? Am I that horrible as a person? I'm not drop-dead gorgeous that would cause a guy to walk across the room just to talk to me - but is that all guys really look at anyways? I'm starting to think so. If you don't take the time to get to know me, and you (meaning men) are just interested in looks, then it's pretty much a done deal. Talked to my one guy friend - C - tonight. Told him I was feeling it (movie didn't help) and complained that men don't talk to women like the movie does (yes, I know it's a movie and it's a script - blah, blah, blah - it is rather a chicklet movie tho...) but I've never met a man yet who was sincere - which C argued - and then I clued him in. He hasn't called back yet ;) but he will :) I know him well - better sometimes than he knows himself. He hasn't seen the movie yet - but oh, he will!

So, what is it with guys? Just a random thought for the evening. Which coincides with the bizzaro dreams I've been having lately. I really need to leave - only 6 more days until I can and maybe Lancaster will clear out my head a little bit - okay, maybe a lot bit would be better ....sigh.....


At 8:09 PM, June 15, 2005, Blogger N.F. said...

I LOVED Hitch! That is SUCH a good movie...!

At 10:05 PM, June 15, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 10:10 PM, June 15, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, here goes. The fact is that no man can really live up to these perfect or fantasy creations that some writer or director has created. It would be nice...but it's just not real. And that does suck. But, on the other hand, there are some really great and amazing men out there - and I do think timing is everything. Men lie - people lie - but why did they lie? That would be what I would want to know. And remember that if you walk around thinking that all men are that way - well, that thought can be portrayed externally and can sometimes give off an unintentional vibe. You are a good egg - don't forget that - and never compromise and be true to yourself. The "prince" charming of YOUR dreams (not Hollywood's) is out there and will come along when you least expect it.

At 6:07 AM, June 16, 2005, Blogger seaslover said...

Anon -
Yes, that's what my friends keep saying....but I'm not buying anymore, which is why I've set off on grad school and everything else. It's not that I haven't dated, but there just hasn't been a guy out there yet that I felt so comfortable with (bar the two) that I could see myself growing old with. I don't need the fireworks or fantasy from the movies, but I do want someone who will provide the support when necessary to help me get through the rough times and share with me the successes of the good times. And, I know why the other ones lied - I just seem to attract the "grass is always greener" type of guy - BUT I am getting better at recognizing the signs of this mysterious genetic disorder, so I'm better at not getting in a long relationship with guys like that.

At 10:40 AM, June 22, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Seaslover -
I still stick to my story - but can appreciate your point of view. Remember - to share moments (good and bad) in life with someone special - you have to first be willing to let them in. Yep, that's the hard part - I know! :)

At 7:42 PM, June 24, 2005, Blogger N.F. said...

seaslover--you still around?

At 3:07 PM, July 19, 2005, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

There are men who are great partners, I have one. We dated in high school, broke up, didn't see each other for 14 years and went right back to "full flame" when we met again. I was 33 and he was 35 when we married. We lived together 2 years first.

He and I both do chores, pay the bills before we party, love a pretty yard, enjoy doing some things together and time alone while the other does something we don't enjoy. We care about how content and happy the other is and work to keep them that way!

I could go on but feel guilty....You and the Eldest Daughter are of and age and living your lives your way. You GO girl!

There is no magic pill or frog that will help you find the perfect partner for you. I wish there was.

Just do what you love and enjoy life, don't fret about what it "should" be - celebrate what it IS.


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