Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Missing him....

Even more b/c I am sick :P. I know it would not be good to have him around me, but this is one of those RARE times I just want someone to take care of me! Talked to him again today - things are going "ok" up there - he's got the yard done - except for the fence (not sure if he will get that in or not), part of the kitchen done, a screen door replaced, and today they are cleaning out the other apartment. I went over to his place to put lime on the yard - he does it to regulate the pH as his soil gets really acidic. I didn't put enough on, so pending how I am feeling, I may go back over tomorrow and put the rest of the bag on. It also needs to be mowed - that may be a Friday chore.
As a surprise, I think I'm going to put plants in his front planter by the door :) Just to brighten it up a bit as a "welcome home" kind of thing. I may go ahead and clear out the bed that runs along the driveway too - it's full of weeds and they are moving into the yard. Again - if time and pending how I feel - I may also spray the weeds down for him.
I really, really, really miss him.


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