I subscribe to a list serve kind of thing for education stories, and a union in LA was trying to get an
elementary school principal removed. I don't know the whole story, but I see what the principal states in the article - teachers using cell phones, 6 teachers calling in during a schoolwide testing day in May, etc. Here's my take (on the very limited information that I have - so it's a very small grain of salt...)
I, as a teacher, personally HATE it when I see teachers using cell phones DURING THEIR CLASS TIME. We tell students they are not to have them or use them while on campus, yet we flaunt it in front of them. When I was in the situation with my mom, and literally on-call 24/7 - I spoke with my assistant principal and asked for permission to have my cell phone on my person in case I had to take a call. I stepped OUTSIDE my classroom maybe 3 times in 3 months to take calls that I had to take (from my sister-in-law, doctor). Now, it stays in my purse on silent. We should be setting the example, not the exception.
Another pet peeve - teachers who LIE on the sign in sheet as to what time they get to school. That's stealing, plain and simple. You are stealing time - which is money. You are contracted to be there at a certain time and leave at a specified time - I see more than a few leaving early and I KNOW they didn't ask permission or sign out. This is stealing. I would have no problem going back to an electronic form of sign in during the morning - we have bar codes on our badges - why don't we use them? If you are consistently late, you should be docked for that time unless your assistant principal has been called, notified and approves it.
Not being there to administer a test on a state-wide testing day? You need to be in the hospital or have a legitimate family emergency. That puts an undue amount of stress on your co-workers to cover for you. I hate that. Substitutes cannot administer state tests.
Teachers bitch and moan that they are not treated professionally and they deserve better. Well, wake up to the real world - if you want to be treated professionally - ACT professionally. Don't abuse your time - you were hired to teach children - you should be in the room and your attention should be focused on them. Don't steal. Be respectful of your co-workers and, most importantly, your clients - these are your students.
Correct me if I'm wrong - but if you are in the real world and are consistently late to work and lie about it on your time card, use work time to place personal calls (rather than using your lunch hour), and miss important meetings or work sessions that are essential to the health and overall functioning of the company, my guess is that you would be looking for another job in a short time period.
This principal needs to be given a raise. She said she was visiting classrooms and observing what's going on. That is HER JOB. She should know what's going on in each room. The kids like seeing administrators in their rooms. I've ALWAYS maintained that they could come in at any time and observe. I'm doing what I'm supposed to do. Administrators should always question why a teacher or teachers are opposed to them walking into their classrooms unannounced - what are you hiding?
Be professional. Show that you are professional - a responsible adult. Then maybe, just maybe, teachers will be treated professionally. It's a case of a few "bad apples" ruining this for those of us who take our jobs seriously and got into teaching to help kids - not to get summers off.